Last Friday was one of the scariest days thus far since
Skylar has been on hospice. I’m not in denial but I keep hoping that maybe they
are wrong. Maybe she doesn’t really need this, but then we have weeks like we
did last week and reality slaps me in the face. It seems to be harder each time
and sting longer afterwards. I’m use to Skylar having seizures. They suck and
they are terrible and I wish I could take it all away but it’s nothing new to
see her have them. However, it’s completely new to see her have 20 in an hour
and not stop and her pulse ox drops every time she has a seizure. She couldn't hardly get air before she would have another one. It breaks my
heart to see her in pain and to struggle.
The most frightening thing in the world is to get a call
that your child is being rushed to the ER by ambulance. Skylar’s heart rate was
in the 30s and 40s and her temperature got to 90 degrees and she was
unresponsive. I arrived at the ER before the ambulance and all I kept praying
was that if this is it please don’t let it happen in the ambulance when she’s
by herself. I’m not sure how I would have forgiven myself if I knew that she
passed and she did it alone. I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the
ambulance and a social worker comes out to get me to take me to a conference
room. I panicked. I knew something had happened on the way but she was giving
me a more private place to talk to the doctors before Skylar got there. She
arrived soon after and it’s intimidating when you have 10-15 people around your
child and they are talking about defibrillator pads , her color being off, and
to turn the oxygen up because she’s not breathing well. I stood in the back of
the room while they poked her and gave her oxygen. They put warming blankets
on her and a warming machine and started warm IV fluids. It was like I was
trapped in an episode of Grey’s Anatomy except this was real life and this was
my life and my child laying there. I just wanted to hold her hand and let her
know that it was okay but they were so busy working on her that I just stood
there praying that this not be it. My parents came to the ER, Clint came, other
family, Hospice, and Palliative Care. It was nice to see the support and to
have comfort. Thankfully Skylar’s color started to come back, her breathing
started to improve and after a while she eventually warmed up. After a few
hours, we were able to go home.
After this past week, she wasn’t quite the same. She is
typically a very happy girl but she didn’t smile or laugh like she usually
does. It took a few days to get her to smile and act like she was feeling okay.
I, on the other hand, am still not there yet. Last week took a lot out of me
and I can only imagine what it will be like in the future. The harder she has
to fight the longer it takes me to recover from it. To say that I am not ready
to lose her is a total understatement. I am terrified of losing her and more
terrified that she will have more days like she did last week and they will be more
often and I will have to watch her suffer through it all. I wish that I could
take it all away and I wish that we weren’t going through it at all. My heart
breaks a little each time and I’m worry about what will be left when the time
does come because she takes a little piece of it on each bad day.
I keep you and Skylar in my prayers.